

Sustainable Unsustainability – The Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina

From among the Western Balkan countries Bosnia and Herzegovina has been experiencing the most unfavourable economic and political developments. Analyses of the economic developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be prepared from two profoundly different perspectives. The first variant of economic research concentrates on the macroeconomic trends, external and internal balances (GDP growth, fiscal deficit, public debt etc.) and attempts to identify the underlying long-term processes and the most likely directions they may take in the future based on economic calculations and models. Economic policy recommendations and proposals are formulated in the context of economic growth and stability against this background. The other type of analysis however would rather concentrate on the political economic framework and place emphasis on the particular political, constitutional and economic circumstances under which the country operates and which render normal economic decision making difficult or even impossible. A political economic analysis like the latter one must examine the international political and security policy interests and the domestic political relations in a multidisciplinary and complex way. The country cannot be properly described using the terms of a standard economic and political framework. (Click on the picture!)


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